Are Fleas and Ticks causing You and Your Pet problems?-We can help and advise:
It's the same every year, once it warms up, fleas start to become active, but you can keep your pet free from infestation and distress, by using, tablets, spot-on drops or collars. Spot-On drops are most effective, they start working within minutes and can remain effective for up to 3 months, choose from Vet strength Frontline or Fipronil or Johnsons 4fleas. Only 5% of fleasusually the adults live on the animal, the larvae and immature parasites will be in the house, particularly in bedding and on carpets, to control these use a fogger or Household Spray, make sure you wash infested bedding, or dispose of it if it is heavily infested. If your pet picks up ticks-particularly likely if you walk where sheep or deer are around, remove them with a Tick Twister or freeze them off with Tick Away. If you need help or advice on how to deal with Ticks and Fleas, call in, we are happy to help.